Endorsed providers are required to conduct their own internal quality assurance process to ensure that the standard of training and assessment that learners are receiving is of a consistently high standard.

For providers with Unlimited or Industry Award endorsement, PD:Approval (PDA) will undertake external quality assurance checks to ensure that endorsed training programmes and assessments continue to meet the standards met at approval.

Quality assurance checks will take place post approval at least once during each annual endorsement period and initially within the first 6 months of approval. The checks will be conducted by sector specific, qualified and experienced External Quality Assurers (EQAs) who will evaluate the training provision against the published endorsement criteria. A report will be issued and time framed actions may be required to be completed to ensure that any quality issues are managed.

For providers with Pay As You Go endorsement, PDA may require a formal self-evaluation check as part of our sampling policy to ensure the standard of the evaluated submission is maintained. A self-evaluation pack will be sent out explaining all of the criteria and evidence required to be evaluated, eg internal quality assurance procedures, marketing and assessment, which is in line with the evidence an External Quality Assurance visit would cover. The completed pack will be formally submitted by a specific deadline. PAYG providers may also be visited as part of PDA's sampling process, where a PDA EQA will contact them to arrange a visit and observation.

The cost of the EQA visit and self-evaluation is included in the endorsement fee, however if a visit is required as a result of a sanction or actions not met, the cost of £380+VAT for the visit will be charged to the training provider. Once an endorsed provider’s programme has been reviewed, the organisation will be graded according to their level of compliance to PD:Approval quality standards.

Grade Characteristics: Outcomes for Learners

The EQA will review and evaluate the overall effectiveness of the programme, including the quality and effectiveness of teaching, learning and assessment and align their judgement and grading to Ofsted’s grading characteristics*.

EQAs will evaluate the evidence seen using the following grading scale:


Full details of our Sanctions Policy can be found here.

* Ofsted, Handbook for the inspection of further education and skills, January 2015.

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